Author Archives: Mariangela

Back-to-back meetings in Djibouti and Lusaka

Following the visit to Centre Regional AGRHYMET the EO4SD Water team continued the African user consultations with back-to-back workshops in Djibouti and Lusaka from 20th to 30th of September. In Djibouti, the team met with key stakeholders to the...

Workshop at Centre Regional AGRHYMET

From 12th to 14th of September, the EO4SD on Water resources was gathering more than 20 stakeholders at Centre Regional AGRHYMET in Niamey (Niger). The purpose of the workshop was to review, discuss and approve the Earth...

Expanding EO4SD scope to EU eastern neighbourhood

In 2016 the ESA’s EO for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) initiative expanded to include dedicated activities in Europe’s eastern neighbourhood. This move brought new perspectives to development cooperation opportunities especially for the ESA’s new member states in terms...

Requirements gathering in Tanzania

From 2 to 4 May, 2017 the EO4SD was in Dar es Salaam to present and discuss how Earth Observation can support the Zambezi Watercourse Commissions (ZAMCOM). The meeting was attended by ZAMCOM’s members of the Joint...

Resilience for smallholders food security in sub-Sahara...

Challenges to agricultural production and food security in Africa have been widely documented.  In order to tackle them, the Global Environment Facility has recently launched a IAP program to foster sustainability and resilience for food security. ESA’s...

Flooded areas mapping in Phnom Penh (Cambodia)

Flood history mapping is one of the products included in the EO4SD-Urban project portfolio. In this framework, multitemporal Sentinel-1 radar imagery has been used for continuously delineating flooded zones in the area of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) between...

EO4SD-Urban @ World Bank Land & Poverty Conference

Dr. T. Häusler from GAF AG, the Lead for the EO4SD-Urban project presented the European Space Agency (ESA) supported programme at the World Bank Land & Poverty Conference, which took place at Washington DC (USA) on 20-24...


PPCR webinar on Climate Resilience & EO

The WB team implementing the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience delivered a webinar titled “PPCR Learning Series: Session 5 – Climate Resilience & Earth Observation” on 27 September 2016. This focused on how connecting climate services with Earth...