Resilience for smallholders food security in sub-Sahara...

Challenges to agricultural production and food security in Africa have been widely documented.  In order to tackle them, the Global Environment Facility has recently launched a IAP program to foster sustainability and resilience for food security. ESA’s...

Flooded areas mapping in Phnom Penh (Cambodia)

Flood history mapping is one of the products included in the EO4SD-Urban project portfolio. In this framework, multitemporal Sentinel-1 radar imagery has been used for continuously delineating flooded zones in the area of Phnom Penh (Cambodia) between...

EO4SD-Urban @ World Bank Land & Poverty Conference

Dr. T. Häusler from GAF AG, the Lead for the EO4SD-Urban project presented the European Space Agency (ESA) supported programme at the World Bank Land & Poverty Conference, which took place at Washington DC (USA) on 20-24...


PPCR webinar on Climate Resilience & EO

The WB team implementing the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience delivered a webinar titled “PPCR Learning Series: Session 5 – Climate Resilience & Earth Observation” on 27 September 2016. This focused on how connecting climate services with Earth...


GPSC working group meeting @ESRIN

During the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities working group meeting at ESA’s ESRIN establishment in Italy, September 26-28, four experts discuss how satellite data can be used to promote sustainable cities.

Overview: Water Resources Management

EO4SD – Water Resources Management aims at demonstrating the benefits of EO-based geo-information products and services to support programs related to the IFIs and stakeholders in Client States.

Overview: Urban Development

EO4SD – Urban Development aims at demonstrating the benefits of EO-based geo-information products and services to support urban planning tasks in the context of programs related to the IFIs and stakeholders in Client States.

Overview: Eastern European Countries

EO4SD – Eastern European Countries aims aims to achieve a step increase in the uptake of satellite-based environmental information in the development programs implemented by World Bank and European Investment Bank in the Eastern European Region, in particular to support the...

Overview: Agriculture and Rural Development

EO4SD – Agriculture and Rural Development aims at demonstrating the benefits of EO-based geo-information products and services to support programs related to the IFIs and stakeholders in Client States.